Hitting Thin Golf Shots? Here’s Why and How to Fix It

One of the more frustrating things in golf is to mishit a shot. When you don’t hit it flush, which is often if you’re a high handicapper, then you’re either hitting thin shots or hitting fat shots. In this article I’m going to cover how to stop hitting thin golf shots. First I’ll cover what they are, the most common causes, and drills to help you overcome hitting thin shots. What is a thin golf … Read more

The Dangers of Getting Golf Advice from Social Media

I get it. You’re tried of playing bad golf. Of not having a consistent golf swing. And of chunking your irons, topping your woods, and slicing your driver into houses. So you turn to social media for golf advice. You watch reels, shorts, and videos of both amateurs and pros explaining the cause and effect of your swing faults and the drill you need to fix it. “It’s an absolute game changer!” they say. You … Read more

Hitting Off Golf Mats vs Grass: Which Is Better?

Should you hit off a mat or hit off grass? I imagine you’re curious because your range game isn’t carrying over to the course and you suspect it might be because you’re hitting off a mat. Or you can’t hit a golf ball off the grass to save your life. Or maybe you just want to know if mats are bad for your game so that you can optimize your practice. Hitting off mats are … Read more

How to Practice at the Driving Range

Are you planning to go to the range soon? Do you have a plan? You should. The biggest mistake you can make is showing up without knowing what to practice at the driving range. I did this for the first couple of years I played golf. Sure, I did drills my coach gave me, but I didn’t any structure or a program to follow. I bought the biggest bucket and hit balls until they were … Read more

What Does Consistency in Golf Look Like?

“You’re consistent. You just consistently suck.” This was a comment I made to a friend during a recent round. Not at him, but more a general statement for anyone looking for more consistency in golf. That includes me. The point I wanted to get across is that golfers are consistent already. You’re consistent but maybe not in the way you want. I would argue that what you want instead is to play more predictable shots … Read more

How to Record Your Golf Swing (and Why You Should)

Should you record your golf swing? I’ve seen a couple of people recently that say you shouldn’t or caution strongly against it. I understand where these guys are coming from but ultimately disagree. If you’re serious about getting better at golf, then you need to record your swings periodically. There are caveats, of course, as there is with all things. Let’s start from the top. Why You Should Record Your Golf Swing What to Avoid … Read more

Are You Coming Over the Top in the Golf Swing?

If you’re coming over the top with your golf swing, you’re struggling to make good contact. You’re hitting shots fat, thin, and spraying your shots all over the course. I’d venture to say that most beginner golfers struggle with the over the top move. I know I have and still do on the course. It’s a challenging fault to fix. Since I still have this fault on occasion, have received coaching for it, and have … Read more

Struggling to Take Your Range Game to the Golf Course?

Are you frustrated that all the work you’re doing on the driving range isn’t showing up on the golf course? You’re working on shallowing the club, low point control, and compressing more shots. Then you go play a round and you banana slice it all over the course. You’re also chunking every other shot and the shots you do hit are going higher than before. I’m Struggling to Take My Range Game to the Course, … Read more

Laying Up in Golf: A Good Strategy?

Let’s talk about laying up in golf. Here’s a scenario for you. You’re playing a par 5 and you just smoked your driver. You’re 220 yards from the center of the green, which is a well-struck 3-wood for you. The problem, though, is that there is a body of water about 20 yards in front of the green. How often do you flush your 3-wood? Well, not enough to shake the feeling that laying up … Read more